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Bible Studies

Does the combination of “Bible” and “Study” sound strange? Why study such an old book, especially when I already study for so much for class? Bible Studies are one of the highlights for many of our students during the week. They are a time to connect in real ways with one another and grow closer to God in tangible ways. Think of them as an invitation to see and know God in a personal way. We’d love nothing more than for you to join in on one of them this year.

Who was Jesus?  What does the Bible really say about him?  There’s a wide array of opinions out there.  Was he a philosopher, moral teacher, religious activist, political reformer, the Lord and Savior?  Come to a bible study to take a look at the real Jesus.  Whether you’re a skeptic, seeker, a Christian, or just curious, you’re welcome to visit one of these studies.  We welcome different opinions, and seek to listen respectfully to everyone.

Spring 2025 Bible Studies

Men’s Study

Fridays at 12:30pm in Pardee 101

Women’s Study

Tuesdays at 7pm in the Koinonia House (621 W Monroe St)